ARMINES, acteur de l'innovation par la recherche partenariale | Première structure française de recherche orientée vers les entreprises, adossée à 48 centres de recherche
A leading innovator through collaborative research
ARMINES is a private non-profit research and technological organisation (RTO) funded in 1967 at the instigation of its partner engineering schools, the Ecoles des Mines network.
ARMINES currently shares 48 Joint Research Units (Common Research Centres) with its partner schools, where each legal entity, either private or public, provides personnel, investment and operating resources for common research purpose.
Under the supervision of the French Ministry for Economy, Industry and Digital Technology, ARMINES is bound by French government-approved agreements to its partner schools of the Ecoles des Mines and IMT network: Paris (MINES ParisTech), Albi-Carmaux (IMT Mines Albi-Carmaux), Alès (IMT Mines Alès), Douai (IMT Nord Europe), Nantes (IMT Atlantique) and Saint-Etienne (MINES Saint-Etienne). ARMINES also collaborates with ENSTA ParisTech and Polytechnique.
The academic oriented to industry
In this specific context, ARMINES operates within the framework of the law of 18 April 2006 which allows public sector higher education or research establishments to entrust private-sector organisations with their contractual research activities.
With a total turnover of nearly of €40 million in 2019, ARMINES has held on to the top spot amongst private contract research institutions affiliated to higher education establishments.
Horizon 2020
For more than 20 years, ARMINES has taken part in European programmes for research, development and innovation. Today the common research centres of ARMINES and the Ecole des Mines network take part in the 3 pillars of Horizon 2020. A dedicated team is in charge of assisting the common research centres willing to take part in Horizon 2020.
Key figures
379 project proposals submitted
98 projects funded
Of which 11 as Coordinator
Of which 3 ERC Grants
Success rate 25.5%
410 project proposals submitted
61 projects funded
Of which 10 as Coordinator
Of which 5 ERC Grant
Success rate 15%
A European network
ARMINES is a member of various European associations among which EIRMA (European Industrial Research Management Association) and EARTO (European Association of Research and Technology Organisations). ARMINES is also a member of the « Groupe de Concertation Transversal Europe » (GCTE), coordinated by the French Ministry of National Education, Higher Education and Research (Ministère de l’Education Nationale, de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche, MENESR) and of the HORIZON 2020 Group coordinated by the French National Association for Technological Research (Association Nationale pour la Recherche Technologique, ANRT).
The Project Managers also take part to National Thematic Groups organized at national level by the French Members of the Horizon 2020 Programme Committees.
Impact: a key factor for a successful HORIZON 2020 proposal!
Feedback and sharing of experience from:
- Scientific Coordinators
- ERC Grant Holders
- Experts for evaluation of H2020 proposals
Weather Intelligence for Renewable Energies Wire
H2020 Projects
Horizon 2020 projects coordinated by ARMINES
Collaborative projects
Acronym |
Full Title |
Partner engineering |
Common Research Centre |
Principal Investigator |
Website |
Logo |
Bringing together Research and Industry for the Development of Glider Environmental Services |
ENSTA Paris |
e-shape | EuroGEO Showcases: Applications Powered by Europe |
& |
RANCHIN Thierry & LE MASSON Pascal | | ||
GROOM II | Gliders for Research, Ocean Observations and Management: Infrastructure and Innovation | ENSTA Paris | Unité de Mécanique - UME (ENSTA) | MORTIER Laurent | | |
ORCHYD | Novel Drilling Technology Combining Hydro-Jet and Percussion for ROP Improvement in deep geothermal drilling | GEOSCIENCES |
GERBAUD Laurent & SELLAMI Hedi | | ||
Smart4RES |
Next Generation Modelling and Forecasting of Variable Renewable Generation for Large-scale Integration in Energy Systems and Markets | PERSEE | KARINIOTAKIS Georges |
ERC Grants (European Research Council)
The main goal of the European Research Council (ERC) is to encourage high quality research in Europe through competitive funding. 5 researchers from a MINES/ARMINES Common Research Centre obtained an ERC grant in the framework of Horizon 2020.
Full Title |
Partner engineering school |
Common Research Centre |
Principal Investigator |
Website |
Logo |
AArteMIS |
Aneurysmal Arterial Mechanics: Into the Structure |
MINES Saint-Etienne |
BADEL Pierre |
Localization in biomechanics and mechanobiology of aneurysms: Towards personalized medicine |
MINES Saint-Etienne |
Exotic superconducting CIrcuits to Probe and protect quantum States og light and mattEr |
MINES ParisTech | Centre Automatique et Systèmes - CAS | LEGHTAS Zaki | ||
IONOSENSE PoC | Exploitation of Organic Electrochemical Transistors for Use in Biological Ionsensing - Proof Of Concept | MINES Saint-Etienne | Centre de Micro-électronique de Provence Georges Charpak - CMPGC | OWENS Roisin | CORDIS webpage | |
Q-Feedback | Quantum Feedback Engineering | MINES ParisTech | Centre Automatique et Systèmes - CAS | ROUCHON Pierre | CORDIS webpage |
Horizon 2020 projects as partner
Pillar 1 - Excellent Science |
ACRONYM | Full Title | Partner engineering school | Common Research Centre | Scientific Contact | Website | Logo |
BORGES | Biosensing with Organics Electronics | MINES Saint-Etienne | Centre de Micro-électronique de Provence Georges Charpak - CMPGC | ISMAILOVA Esma | | |
BrainCom | High-density cortical implants for cognitive neuroscience | MINES Saint-Etienne | Centre de Micro-électronique de Provence Georges Charpak - CMPGC | MALLIARAS George | | |
Deferred Restructuring of Experience in Autonomous Machines |
ENSTA Paris | FILLIAT David | | ||
Global systems Rapid Assesment tools through Constraint FUnctional Languages |
IMT Atlantique | Département Automatique, Productique et Informatique - DAPI | BELDICEANU Nicolas | | |
MAGISTER | Machine learning for Advanced Gas turbine Injection SysTems to Enhance combustoR performance | MINES ParisTech | Centre Automatique et Systèmes - CAS | DI MEGLIO Florent | MAGISTER webpage | |
The Medical Digital Twin for Aneurysm Prevention and Treatment |
MINES Saint-Etienne | Centre Ingénierie et Santé - CIS | AVRIL Stéphane | | |
MLFPM2018 | Machine Learning Frontiers in Precision Medecine | MINES ParisTech | Centre de Bio Informatique - CBIO | AZENCOTT Chloé-Agathe | | |
NatUval | Opening the black box of nature valuation: the case of UNESCO nature parks in Europe | MINES ParisTech | Centre de Sociologie de l'Innovation - CSI | DOGANOVA Liliana | ||
Submarine cultures perform longterm robotic exploration of unconventional environmental niches |
IMT Atlantique | Département Automatique, Productique et Informatique - DAPI | BOYER Frédéric | | |
VERIDREAM | VERtical Innovation in the Domain of Robotics Enabled by Artificial intelligence Methods | ENSTA Paris | Unité d'Informatique et d'Ingénierie des Systèmes - U2IS | FILLIAT David | ||
Pillar 2 - Industrial Leadership |
Cloud Collaborative Manufacturing Networks |
IMT Mines Albi | Centre de Génie Industriel - CGI | LAMOTHE Jacques | | |
COLLABORATE | Co-production CeLL performing Human-Robot Collaborative AssEmbly | MINES ParisTech | Centre de robotique - CAOR | MANITSARIS Sotiris | ||
ERFTM | Export Restriction Free Travelling wave tubes Materials | MINES ParisTech |
Centre des Matériaux | THOREL Alain | | |
HOMES Key INsulating material |
MINES ParisTech | Centre Procédés, Energies Renouvelables et Systèmes Enegétiques - PERSEE | ACHARD Patrick | | |
JOINing of copper to aluminium by Electro Magnetic fields |
MINES ParisTech | Centre de Technologie des Polymères et Composites et d'Ingénierie Mécanique - TPCIM | VASIUKOV Dmytro | | |
Monitoring Atmospheric Composition and Climate - III |
MINES ParisTech | WALD Lucien | | ||
MEGA M@RT 2 | MegaModelling at Runtime - scalable model-based framework for continuous development and runtime validation of complex systems | IMT Atlantique | Département Automatique, Productique et Informatique - DAPI | BRUNELIERE Hugo | | |
NanoHybrids | New generation of nanoporous organic and hybrid aerogels for industrial applications: from the lab to pilot scale production | MINES ParisTech |
RIGACCI Arnaud | | ||
5GMED | Sustainable 5G deployment model for future mobility in the Mediterranean Cross-Border Corridor | MINES ParisTech | Centre de Robotique - CAOR | GOULETTE François | ||
Pillar 3 - Societal Challenges |
A ZEB | Affordable zero energy buildings | MINES ParisTech | Centre Efficacité Energétique des Systèmes - CES | PEUPORTIER Bruno | | |
ASTRASY | Avantis STructural Rod Adjustment SYstem | IMT Mines Albi | Institut Clément Ader - ICA | REZAI Farhad | CORDIS webpage | |
CLUSTER 2.0 | Open Logistic Clusters towards Physical Internet | MINES ParisTech | Centre de Gestion Scientifique -CGS | BALLOT Eric | | |
ConnectinGEO |
Coordinating an Observation Network of EnCompassing saTellite and IN-situ to fill the Gaps in European Observations |
MINES ParisTech | MENARD Lionel | | ||
CO3 | COld sprayed COating | MINES ParisTech | Centre des Matériaux - CMAT | DELLORO Francesco | | |
ENOTICE | European Network Of CBRN Training Centers | IMT Mines Alès | Génie informatique et ingénierie de production - LGI2P | RICCIO Pierre-Michel | | |
Enabling Robot and assisted living environment for Independent Care and Health Monitoring of the Elderly |
ENSTA Paris | Unité d'Informatique et d'Ingénierie des Systèmes - U2IS | TAPUS Adriana | | |
FUN HEAD | Friction stir welding UNiversal HEAD | IMT Mines Albi | ICA Albi | BOHER Christine | FUN Head Project Webpage |