ARMINES, acteur de l'innovation par la recherche partenariale | Première structure française de recherche orientée vers les entreprises, adossée à 48 centres de recherche
GRID4EU, European Project on Advanced Smart Grid Solutions
The Europe of Energy
Designed in response to a call for projects from the European Commission, GRID4EU is a Large-Scale Demonstration of Advanced Smart Grid Solutions with wide Replication and Scalability Potential for EUROPE. The project was led by six electricity Distribution System Operators (DSOs) from Germany, Sweden, Spain, Italy, Czech Republic and France, in close partnership with a set of major electricity retailers, manufacturers and research organizations. As a whole, the consortium gathers 27 partners. The research centre PERSEE MINES ParisTech was one of them.
GRID4EU consisted of six Demonstrators, which were tested over a period of 51 months in six different European countries. The project strived at fostering complementarities between these Demonstrators, promoting transversal research and sharing results between the different partners as well as with the wider Smart Grids community.
In France : Nice Grid with PERSEE
ARMINES participated in GRID4EU through the research Center PERSEE, joint Centre with MINES ParisTech. PERSEE was principally involved in the French Demonstrator “NICE GRID” as well as to transversal activities of GRID4EU. It developed advanced probabilistic methods for day-ahead forecasting of photovoltaic generation based on smart-meters data and numerical weather forecasts. An operational forecasting platform was developed integrating the advanced models. It was installed for on-line operation at ERDF (ENEDIS today) and provided forecasts for the power output of all PV installations in the demonstrator (on roofs and grid connected). Moreover, PERSEE developed a software tool for the predictive management and on-line operation of the grid-connected batteries installed in the French demonstrator (30 kW – 1 MW). This software, called “Network Battery Aggregator – NBA” is designed for actors such as aggregators that operate storage devices. It aims to provide flexibilities to the Network Energy Manager (NEM) developed by GE. It was integrated in the NEM and in the operational environment of ERDF.
Innovative approaches tested in GRID4EU
The project aimed at testing innovative concepts and technologies in real-size environments, in order to highlight and help remove barriers to the deployment of Smart Grids in Europe. It focused on how DSOs can dynamically manage electricity supply and demand. The main topics addressed by the project are:
- The improvement of MV and LV network automation technologies to face the constraints introduced by the increased amount of DER and new usages (e.g. electric vehicles, heat pumps) to reduce energy losses and maintain or increase quality of supply;
- The optimized and smooth integration of an increased number of small- and medium-sized DER (photovoltaic, wind, combined heat and power, heat pump and direct or indirect storage);
- The balancing of intermittent energy sources (including better prediction) with demand response, and different storage technologies and services;
- The assessment of islanding as a solution to increase the grid reliability;
- The increasing use of active demand including the potential future developments of new usages and evolving customers’ behaviours.
> To have an overview of results obtained in the GRID4EU project, we invite you to consult the GRID4EU Final Report:
> To have more details about promising technical outcomes of the GRID4EU project, we invite you to consult the technical spotlights:
> To have more details about the work achieved during the GRID4EU project, including the transversal activities, we invite you to consult the project deliverables:
Contact: Prof. Dr. Georges KARINIOTAKIS
Head of Renewable Energies & Smartgrids Group (ERSEI),
PERSEE - Centre for Processes, Renewable Energies and Energy Systems,
MINES ParisTech - Dept. of Energy & Processes Engineering,
1 Rue Claude Daunesse, CS 10207, 06904 Sophia Antipolis Cedex, France.
Tel: +33- (~99), Mob: +33-