ARMINES, acteur de l'innovation par la recherche partenariale | Première structure française de recherche orientée vers les entreprises, adossée à 48 centres de recherche

First pilot-scale 3D printing of Interreg NWE CIRMAP's project

The first pilot scale 3D printing, within the scope of Interreg NWE CIRMAP, was successfully achieved in May 2021 at IMT Nord Europe (France)!

This first 3D printing campaign was jointly led by two CIRMAP partners: ARMINES and Université d’Orléans.

The cementitious ink used for printing was developed in the laboratory and contains 100% recycled sand coming from Belgium. The printed shape consisted of a 28 cm height square, and shows the good printability of the ink, as well as the good surface aspect of the mortar at the fresh state and at the hardened state.

These promising results will allow to print more complex shapes in the future, suitable for urban, memorial and garden furniture uses.