ARMINES, acteur de l'innovation par la recherche partenariale | Première structure française de recherche orientée vers les entreprises, adossée à 48 centres de recherche

Chaîne Économie, management, société

Workshop Safety Science

Workshop Safety Science

Économie, management, société - 29 sep 15

Quite a unique thing in the scientific publishing world, the publishers of Safety Science, international journal well-known as far as industrial safety is concerned, gathered for the very first time from July 10 to 15 2013 at MINES ParisTech. This workshop, quite unusual since exchanges usually happen through emails considering the geographical distances, was at the initiative of Jean-Luc Wybo, research professor at the CRC MINES ParisTech and Editorial Head of Safety Science.
This journal is multidisciplinary. Its contributors and readership are wide, ranging from psychologists to industrial engineers. Safety Science covers the many dimensions of safety (physics, chemistry, engineering, management, politics, socio-economic, legal and normative, human and organizational behavior...).

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Chaîne Sciences et génie des matériaux - 16 juin 2021

First pilot-scale 3D printing of Interreg NWE CIRMAP's project

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L'information quantique

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10 . nov . 2023
CIRMAP Project : 3D printing of urban furniture

New video for INTERREG NWE CIRMAP Project : 3D printing of urban furniture using recycled sand mortar by our member Polytech Orléans

Tweets by @_armines_

RT : Successful pilot scale 3D printing for CIRMAP in July 2022. / prints in July 22 frames int…