ARMINES, acteur de l'innovation par la recherche partenariale | Première structure française de recherche orientée vers les entreprises, adossée à 48 centres de recherche
Chaîne Sciences et génie des matériaux
Third pilot-scale 3D printing of Interreg NWE CIRMAP's project
Third pilot-scale 3D printing of Interreg NWE CIRMAP's project
Sciences et génie des matériaux - 25 nov 21
In October 2021, CIRMAP carried out a third pilot-scale 3D printing session at ARMINES/IMT Nord Europe (France) in the scope of Interreg NWE CIRMAP. The operation was a success!
This third 3D printing campaign was jointly led by two project partners: ARMINES/IMT Nord Europe and UOrléans.
For this session, a cementitious ink was formulated using 100% recycled sand from Germany. The printed shape consisted of a 40-layer height cylinder.
These results show that the formulations developed in the laboratory allow the printing of various shapes which will be adapted to urban, memorial and garden furniture uses.
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New video for INTERREG NWE CIRMAP Project : 3D printing of urban furniture using recycled sand mortar by our member Polytech Orléans
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