ARMINES, acteur de l'innovation par la recherche partenariale | Première structure française de recherche orientée vers les entreprises, adossée à 48 centres de recherche

Chaîne Énergétique et génie des procédés

Linking to the Global Atlas - Advanced - Step 2 - Registering your datasets to the Data Catalog

Linking to the Global Atlas - Advanced - Step 2 - Registering your datasets to the Data Catalog

Énergétique et génie des procédés - 10 avr 15

This tutorial was designed for owners of GIS data, willing to share information with the Global Atlas. Once the data sharing agreement has been signed with IRENA, the data owner can decide to host its dataset at IRENA, or to operate its own geoserver. The data catalogue is the place where all data description and links to the various Geoservers are stored, and searchable by the GlobalAtlas GIS (webGIS client).

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10 . nov . 2023
CIRMAP Project : 3D printing of urban furniture

New video for INTERREG NWE CIRMAP Project : 3D printing of urban furniture using recycled sand mortar by our member Polytech Orléans

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RT : Successful pilot scale 3D printing for CIRMAP in July 2022. / prints in July 22 frames int…