ARMINES, acteur de l'innovation par la recherche partenariale | Première structure française de recherche orientée vers les entreprises, adossée à 48 centres de recherche

Chaîne Sciences et génie des matériaux

Second pilot-scale 3D printing of Interreg NWE CIRMAP's project

Second pilot-scale 3D printing of Interreg NWE CIRMAP's project

Sciences et génie des matériaux - 05 juil 21

The second pilot-scale 3D printing, within the scope of Interreg NWE CIRMAP, was successfully achieved in June 2021 at IMT Lille Douai (France)!

This second 3D printing campaign was jointly led by two project partners: ARMINES and ULiège.

The cementitious ink used for printing was developed in the laboratory and contains 100% recycled sand coming from Belgium. The pre-saturation conditions of the recycled sand were changed and the blending sequence used was simplified in comparison to the first 3D printing campaign led in May 2021.

The printed shapes consisted of a 34 layers height cylinder and a sinuous shape, which will be cut to obtain mortar specimens. These specimens will be used to perform durability and mechanical assessments.
These results show that a simplified mortar fabrication protocol still allows to print complex shapes which will be adapted for urban, memorial and garden furniture uses.

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10 . nov . 2023
CIRMAP Project : 3D printing of urban furniture

New video for INTERREG NWE CIRMAP Project : 3D printing of urban furniture using recycled sand mortar by our member Polytech Orléans

Tweets by @_armines_

RT : Successful pilot scale 3D printing for CIRMAP in July 2022. / prints in July 22 frames int…