ARMINES, acteur de l'innovation par la recherche partenariale | Première structure française de recherche orientée vers les entreprises, adossée à 48 centres de recherche

Armines - Bandeau Agenda


Innovation Theory and the (re)foundations of Management

Regard sur les différents champs de recherche actuels en innovation & en management

   Début le : 09-11-2015 - Fin le : 10-11-2015

This event of the Innovation Special Interest Group of the European Academy of Management aims at the advancement of research addressing the contemporary challenges of Management Science implied by innovation. Elaborations on innovation theories in relation to the foundations (or refoundations) of management theory will be the main theme of this SIG event. This theme has been organized in five tracks of the EURAM “Innovation” SIG that focus on different issues and points of views connected to current fields of research. Other topics can be suggested to the organizing committee.

Lieu : MINES ParisTech - 60, bd St-Michel - Paris

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